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Anmol Pant

Nothing makes you realize how uninteresting you are as a person until you have to come up with a whole website about your own self, whilst being well aware of the fact that your entire existence can be summed up in about five words:
Music. Movies. Memes. Minimalism. Melancholy.
So, here goes nothing “¯\_(ツ)_/¯“

About Me

I'm a pre-final year student studying in Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore pursuing a B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering, looking for opportunities to grow and learn.

A typical Delhi guy and a purposeful individual with a diverse skillset, who is often recognized for his commitment, ability and zeal to learn new things. I am not only motivated but also dexterous in handling multiple tasks competently on a regular basis, striving to put my best foot forward in all that I do.

I am an effective and articulate communicator and believe in creating a positive work environment that harbors self-development. I try to leave no stone unturned when it comes to fulfilling the responsibilities delegated to me and love to work, create and develop in the field of technology, specializing in Python Programming, Front-end Web Development, Machine Learning and Data Science. Also up to scratch in public speaking, marketing and sales, event management and content writing with excellent interpersonal communication skills.

HTML5, Bootstrap4 & CSS3

An avid web developer, well-rounded with Front-end Web Development frameworks. Experienced in working with various tech companies to enhance their online presence.

Javascript and jQuery

A skillful JS developer, well versed in implementing the front-end logic that defines the behavior of the visual elements of a web application. Also proficient with JS libraries like jQuery.

Python Programming

A seasoned Python developer with expertise in working with various ML, Data Analysis and Web Development frameworks. Also well versed in Data Structures, OOPs and GUIs.

DBMS and Analytics

Certified in Google Analytics and dexterous in Database Management Systems and Tabulation softwares like MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite, phpMyAdmin, MS-Excel and Tableau.

Data Science

Possess good analytical, statistical, and programming skills to collect, analyze, and interpret large data sets to develop data-driven solutions to difficult business challenges.

Machine Learning

Can fine tune test results, train and retrain systems, design self-running software to automate predictive models and work on various machine learning frameworks and algorithms.

Deep Learning

Adept in designing, training and working with feedforward, convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Presently working on some personal image detection and recognition projects.

Technical and Web Content Writing

Currently the part of the Executive Board of CodeChef-VIT student chapter; acting as the head of editorial, project & API documentation, technical and web content writing.